Two of the most beloved and stalwart founding members of the Hogtown Ukulele Club will soon be leaving our illustrious midst. Audrey Freidin and Allan Revich are fleeing the soon-to-be frigid shores of Lake Ontario in favour of the balmy climes of sultry Victoria, BC!
Wednesday, October 2nd will be their last official Hogtown Ukulele Club Jam. We hope you will join us as we wipe away a collective tear and see them off with all the solemnity and decorum the H.U.C.J. has come to be known for; which is to say, very little, indeed.
It seems they have found their little slice of heaven out west, and you may find an only slightly smaller slice of heaven with us at our jam on Wednesday, October 2nd at Original’s Ale House, 1660 Bayview Ave. at 8pm. You are further invited to meet us there around 7pm for dinner and general carrying on.